Lino Bianchi Barriviera


The monolithic churces of Lalibela and others in the Lasta-Vagh in Ethiopia



Chiesa di Mascalè Christòs vista dalla trincea, 10 aprile 1939
Church of Mascalè Christòs seen from the trench, 10 April 1939
sepia ink on ivory paper, mm 283x210


Bianchi Barriviera will not go back to Ethiopia any more, however the memory of Lalibelà remains alive in the artist’s mind also in the following decades; he continues to study those monuments with unchanged interest, though from afar, doing research in libraries and referring to studies by renowned experts, with many of whom he gets in touch personally or in letter form: a commitment which took shape in some comprehensive and detailed publications by Barriviera himself:
L. Bianchi Barriviera, Le chiese monolitiche di Lalibelà e altre nel Lasta-Uagh, in Etiopia,
                               in “Fede e Arte”, no. 4, October-December 1962;
L. Bianchi Barriviera, Le chiese in roccia di Lalibelà e di altri luoghi del Lasta, in
                               “Rassegna di Studi Etiopici”, voll. XVIII (1962) and XIX (1963);
L. Bianchi Barriviera, Restauri alle chiese di Lalibelà, in “Rassegna di Studi Etiopici”,
                               vol. XXII (1966).


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